Wednesday, October 14, 2015

COLOR (List of Brian Storm)

Q. What things LOOK purple?

A. grape, amethyst, blueberry

Q. What things SOUND purple?

A. Tulipa, Luxury, night club

Q. What things SMELL purple?

A. Purple Yam, Lavender, Poison

Q. How does purple FEEL?

A. richness, sexy, strange

Q. What makes YOU FEEL purple?

A. happiness, envy, evil

Q. What things TASTE purple?

A. grape, blueberry, purple yam

Q. What EXPERIENCES or IDEAS seem purple?

A.evil, envy, secret

Q. Can you think of purple PLACES?

A. Garden, night club, concert

Smile Faces Around me :)





















----- THE END ---

Monday, September 21, 2015

Objects from familiar environment that demonstrated Analogical thinking

Analogical thinking is what we do when we use information from one domain to help solve a problem in another domain (cr. Cognitive Psychology). In this article, i will introduce some objects create from familiar environment that demonstrated analogical thinking.

Round and flat stump give designer idea to tern them into chairs and tables. It is normal see this kind of table in Chinese KongFu Tea shops. It makes customers feel natural.

Infinity pool is also demonstrated analogical thinking from familiar environment which is sea. People swimming in the infinity pool feel's like they are swimming in the sea. Because they are both infinity.

Pebbles in the brook become a bath design. In a natural style bathroom, designer make the washbasin like pebble. When water come out from the faucet, it is similar to brook flow through pebbles.

Existing products discover relationships to other objects

There are lot of new design products have relationships to other objects or image. Designer combine two unrelated thing together and created a new thing.

This is a doorknob with hand shape. When you are opening the door, it is like holding someone's hand. It is very creative.

This is a key with bracelet shape. It become more convenient. You will not lost your key because you can wearing it like wearing a bracelet.

 This is a creative bookshelf. It is easy to find out the designer was inspirited by trees. He make branches become the shelf hold books. This design is beautiful and practical.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

[Class exercise] Chickens & Bee Questions

Question 1
You have a neighbour who raises chickens for a living. he lets his chickens run freely in his back garden. but as there is a hole in the fence. The chickens are always wandering into your garden where they damage your beautiful plants and flowers. You have asked your neighbour many times to fix his fence but he won't listen.

What would you do to solve this problem without offending your neighbour?

  • Deeper the hole so when chicken fall in they cannot climb out. 
  • Put a gate in front of the hole/flowers.
  • Make another hole then put a chicken size tube connect both tube so chickens will go back. 
  • Catch chickens than cook/sell them.
  • Put chicken food in front of the hole in neighbour's house.

Question 2
Imagine this room: the window on the at the back is open. in front of the window there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall (at the whiteboard area). 

A bee flies into the room through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose. Why?


  • The painting have more flowers
  • Bee do not like rose.
  • There are perfume on the panting.
  • The bee is myopic, cannot see things clear.
  • There is a boy bee in the painting, so the girl bee fly straight to find the boy bee.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

[MINDMAP] how to break glass

  • Use another Bottle --- use one bottle to hit another one, both will break.

  • Burn/Heat --- Use high temperature to melt it. Glasses' melting point is 600 ÂșC. It is feasible to melt it at home. Here is a YouTube video teaching us how to melt a glass at home.

  • Use a BB Gun --- Instead of real bullet, this guns use some small plastic beads. But it hurts when shoot out from the gun.
  • Use acid --- Hydrofluoric acid (HF) have the ability to dissolve glass. This acid is so strong almost can dissolve everything. So it need to be put in special plastic bottles. (Line to more intro)

  • Use Laser --- Laser cutting machine can cut glasses. The radio on the right side is an example of laser cut the glass. →→

  • Pressure --- Add pressure always can break the glass. For example, use a yoyo to hit. Drive over the glass. Punch it, drop it from high level, throw it to the wall or use water guns (water pressure). 

  • Opera voice --- This Video is a test about using human voice to break the glass. The result shows it is possible to break the glass with opera voice.  

[MINDMAP] How to save the Earth

We live in the one and only Earth, but these years more and more natural disaster comes out. Rising global temperatures, Earthquake, Drouth are warning people to save our mother earth!

4 Main point of how to save the earth is 3Rs(reduce, reuse,recycle), save energy, save water and eat vegetable. 

3R's --- 3R's including Reduce Reuse and Recycle. Reduce means to bring down the number. We can use both side of papers to reduce papers. Reduce food waste is another way to save the earth. Reuse including clothes, paper bags. They can be used for several times. To use again in another form is recycle. A lot of things can be recycle. Newspapers, boxes, cans, plastic bottles all can be recycled. 3R's can help to save resources. It is a way to save the earth.

Save water --- Water is a limited resources but it is also a necessity good. Even though the earth is covered by water, there is only 1% of water can be use by human. Other are all salt water. We can save water by use a cup when brushing teeth, take a shorter shower and soon. 

Save energy --- Energy here is more about electricity and gas. Use walk instead of taking cars or bus. Use compact fluorescent bulbs. Turn Down water heater when you are not using. Use stair instead of elevator. Turn computer off when not in use. These are all method we can do to save energy.

Eat vegetable --- Also means save animals. Because meat makes less efficient land, soil, water. It does not means everyone need to be a vegetarian. What we can do is have a "no meat day" every week to protect our environment. Meanwhile plant more trees to help the earth.

There is a video on YouTube talking about how to save our world which i think is really interesting. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Journey on my way to school/home 20150807

Singapore's weather is always good. It's easy to see blue sky and white clouds at morning.

These two pics is a compare of morning and at night on the bridge i need to walk everyday to the bus stop.

Because the weekend is SG50 ceremony. Every household hang a Singapore national flag in front of their house.

Saw a really cute Husky lying on the floor!!!

This is a very interesting journey. I find a lot of beautiful things i missed before.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Breaking the Rules" Designs

Car Poster designed by Volkswagon Beatle

This poster use white space design method. It means the image have a big part of area are not occupied by anything. Normally, designers will use the empty space to provide more information. But in this poster, the design can let viewers focus on the product. Also can understand the "Think Small" theme easily.

Slide designed by Changi airport

In Changi airport Terminal 3, there are not only lift,escalators and stairs can go downstairs, but also slides. It makes bring things become funnier.

Bottle designed by Coca Cola

This Short and Round Cola breaking the rule of normal coca cola. 

Shoes designed by Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen have plenty of "crazy" designs. One typical series is high heels with no heel at the back.

Hamburger bed designed by Kayla Kromer

Kayla Kromer is a teacher in USA. Her favorite food is hamburger that is why she start to designed a hamburger bed. The bed include bread with sesame, lettuces, pork and also cheese. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play

Tim Brown is the CEO of a design firm from USA named IDEO. He's speech on TED is talk about the relationship between creative thinking and play.

At the beginning of the speech. He told all the audiences use only 30 scents to  draw the neighbor, the person sit beside. Than he introduced their companies symbol. it is a toy called "Finger blaster". Mr Brown let audiences shoot them on the stage to experience the toy. The third interact is "The 30 circle's test". Audiences have one minutes to adapt as many as circle's as they can into objects. For example, smile faces, football or sun.

These three mini games just prove the strong relationship between creative thinking and play. "We need trust to play, and we need trust to create." This is the connection between play and creative. Some good tips designers learn from kids include exploration which is large quantity, building which is thinking with hands and role play which means act it out.

But it doesn't main Mr Brown suggest adults go out and play like a kid. "Play has rules." There are rules about how to play and rules about when to play. It is quite important to change the mode between divergent and convergent. "You can be serious and play." That is the prefect state for designers.