Saturday, September 5, 2015

[Class exercise] Chickens & Bee Questions

Question 1
You have a neighbour who raises chickens for a living. he lets his chickens run freely in his back garden. but as there is a hole in the fence. The chickens are always wandering into your garden where they damage your beautiful plants and flowers. You have asked your neighbour many times to fix his fence but he won't listen.

What would you do to solve this problem without offending your neighbour?

  • Deeper the hole so when chicken fall in they cannot climb out. 
  • Put a gate in front of the hole/flowers.
  • Make another hole then put a chicken size tube connect both tube so chickens will go back. 
  • Catch chickens than cook/sell them.
  • Put chicken food in front of the hole in neighbour's house.

Question 2
Imagine this room: the window on the at the back is open. in front of the window there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite wall (at the whiteboard area). 

A bee flies into the room through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose. Why?


  • The painting have more flowers
  • Bee do not like rose.
  • There are perfume on the panting.
  • The bee is myopic, cannot see things clear.
  • There is a boy bee in the painting, so the girl bee fly straight to find the boy bee.

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