Monday, September 21, 2015

Objects from familiar environment that demonstrated Analogical thinking

Analogical thinking is what we do when we use information from one domain to help solve a problem in another domain (cr. Cognitive Psychology). In this article, i will introduce some objects create from familiar environment that demonstrated analogical thinking.

Round and flat stump give designer idea to tern them into chairs and tables. It is normal see this kind of table in Chinese KongFu Tea shops. It makes customers feel natural.

Infinity pool is also demonstrated analogical thinking from familiar environment which is sea. People swimming in the infinity pool feel's like they are swimming in the sea. Because they are both infinity.

Pebbles in the brook become a bath design. In a natural style bathroom, designer make the washbasin like pebble. When water come out from the faucet, it is similar to brook flow through pebbles.

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